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採用資料科學(data science)的概念,通過對海量數據(big data)的挖掘(mining)和統計&歸納,以資找出金融產品間的計量關係,並通過槓桿比率(leverage)進行交易獲利 |
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嘗試在日常操作中納入五行生剋的概念以平衡身心靈(萬病回春:外感張仲景,內傷李東垣,熱病劉河間,雜病朱丹溪) |
科斯托蘭尼說: 至少破產兩次的人, 才有資格冠上 [投機家]; 我一次都不想有這種破產經歷, 所以我當個自營創業家 (自營家) 就好 !!!
2007年主動選擇不做大公司的 ITE(Information Technology Employee), 改行做專職的自營 ITE(Individual Trading Entrepreneur)
同時綜合了與VIX相關的多個濾網(過濾假突破), 然後讓市場告訴我們價格(指數)往哪邊真突破!!! 針對市場設計數量化(quantitative)的操作管理模型,並藉助資訊科技(IT)運算的結果為主導,從而發現市場存在的獲利機會,並通過槓桿比率(leverage)進行交易獲利
雙邊交易者(賺取α利潤)其核心優勢在於對期權商品價格理論之熟悉度, 以及對市場無效率行為的敏感度, 適用於較大資金及一定計量軟體的交易環境; 建議具有數理基礎, 頭腦清晰冷靜、風險承受度較低、喜歡穩紮穩打來累積獲利的人朝此方向努力
Strategy Description
1. High-quality alpha: α
2. collects premiums by selling out-of-the-money option: δ < 20
3. usually made 45-30 days from expiration: in the first two delivery months
4. hold the option until expiration
5. regardless of market direction
6. a short-term trend indicator is used to help reduce the probability of selling options against a negative trend
7. position sizing methods are employed to optimize risk-adjusted returns by balancing put/call exposure:
8. adjustment protocol: dangerous side -> tighten spread, the other -> loosen spread
9. penetrate adjustment: buy ahead contract of original strike price
10. analysis be performed on the prices of various options
10-1. in absolute terms in relation to their historic price level
10-2. in relative terms comparing the prices of puts to the similar calls
11. robust adjustment protocol result in a balanced strategy
12. Positions are placed using proprietary strike level and ratio algorithms to achieve a strategy that can be profitable in flat or volatile market conditions.
13. real-time monitoring of positions are the primary risk controls
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