Ansbacher's rules:
1. never trade individual equity options
jump potential too dangerous when compared with selling options on a broader index
2. always try to sell against the consensus
constructed his own index that measures the degree of richness or cheapness in out-of-the-money index options
3. only trade options in the first two delivery months
go after time decay and have no ambition to get involved with six-month options where you can hardly see this decay at all
the market could be anywhere in six months
4. occasionally double-down on a trade with a tightened stop
suppose I first sold an option at $6. Initially, I might leave a stop at $12. If the option I sold then declines in value to $3, I might sell another round of them, but tighten the overall stop on the entire position down to $6.
Ansbacher thereby ends up risking $3 net for a potential $9 winner
出處: http://www.derivativesstrategy.com/magazine/archive/2000/0800playf753.asp?print
本版一貫風格 --- 傾向獨善其身, 沒有兼善天下之志, 尤其敝帚自珍! 哈!