John Piper (1980年代末期起全職交易選擇權) 在 The Way to Trade (中譯: 金融交易聖經) 這本書裡的P. 30 開始一段 (節錄), Piper對許多寫書的作者提出 [根本沒有實際從事交易] 的抨擊, 以及提到成功的交易方法必須適合自己的個性, 且要通過[認識自己]的方式去達成. 雖說他評論的對象局限於出書的作者們, 但應該同樣地適用於那些開課或上電視的老師們
你從來不會看到老師們把留倉的部位全部公布, 通常都用模稜兩可的說法提一下(ex: 昨日留倉雙sell + bc), 等到行情出來後又[剛好]有了做對的部位 (當然有時也自謙為[幸運]), 也少部分故意提到做錯了認賠云云..., 這很低的認錯比例, 實際上是刻意用來取信於大家, 來認同其他大比例做對的部分, 畢竟完全神人級的過高勝率, 容易招致大家的質疑.
反正沒有事前公布 [明確] 的留倉內容, 事後怎麼說他都對
If you peruse any bookshop with a few books on trading you will soon find that there are masses of people out there seeking to grab some of your hard earned cash so that they can tell you about how they trade the markets, although in many cases these authors do not actually trade themselves
在書局裡隨便瀏覽幾本交易相關的書籍後, 很快地你就會發現, 有很多人為了掠奪你辛苦賺來的錢, 號稱可以將他們的市場交易經驗傳授給你, 但這些作者當中, 有不少人根本沒有實際從事交易
It is your personality which should guide you in your search for the right approach. Do not be guided by advertising copy, as many are. Ask the question “What is right for me?” and then go out and find it.
你應該依照自己的性格找尋適當的方法, 不要被一些廣告誤導; 可以先自問: 甚麼是適合我的交易方法, 然後再去積極尋找它
Make sure you are comfortable with your trading approach. This
involves self discovery, something many shy away from.
involves self discovery, something many shy away from.
一定要很自在地使用你自己的交易方法, 這牽涉到要去認識自己, 很多人都羞於做 [認識自己] 這件事